Three adventure-packed days of extraordinary driving roads, breathtaking vistas, strange roadside attractions, and unforgettable destinations. Let’s celebrate the adventures our vehicles take us on, with a group of like-minded friends who want to drive, explore, meet new people, and party.
Three adventure-packed days of extraordinary driving roads, breathtaking vistas, strange roadside attractions, and unforgettable destinations. Let’s celebrate the adventures our vehicles take us on, with a group of like-minded friends who want to drive, explore, meet new people, and party.
It’s not just twisty roads and photo ops. Each team must complete a set of challenges and visit predefined checkpoints along the way. Yes, you can actually win stuff. Points are awarded for the number of challenges you complete, checkpoints you hit along the route, best photos from the rally, and the best stories from the road. And of course, winning the hearts and minds of your fellow rally-goers.
Our inaugural event will start in the Palm Springs, CA area and travel along some of the most incredibly scenic roads in Southern California. The route covers hundreds of miles over the course of three days, with many strange, unique, and memorable stops along the way.
The exact route is a secret—at the starting line we’ll give you a rally guidebook with waypoints and challenges. Yes, these roads are extremely enjoyable for driving enthusiasts—but our route is also littered with many wonderful places to stop. You’ll have just as much fun outside of the car as you will inside it.
You and your team must have a sense of adventure and a desire to explore. You musn’t be a-holes. While we don’t require that your team have a theme, it is undoubtedly encouraged, and many points will be thrown your way!
Your vehicle must have a story to tell. What makes it noteworthy, rad, cool, obscure, weird, notable, or otherwise non-boring? We want to hear your story. Can’t find anything special about your car? Make your car unique. Decorate it. Give it a theme. Or find a friend with a unique car and rally with them!
October 2022, Southern California. Details to be announced soon.
No! This is not a timed competition. Think of it as a competitive road trip!
Assuming all goes well crushing the recent strain of this stupid virus, and the CDC guidelines say we can party hard, entry to the rally will include two ridiculously fun parties with catered food. All rally goers will need to provide proof of COVID vaccination plus booster.
Pricing to be announced soon.
Registration will open on May 1, 2022 at 12pm pacific time. Sign up for our email newsletter below for a reminder.
We look forward to hanging out, driving some fantastic roads, seeing some rad shit, and partying with you!